We arrived in Yorba Linda last evening, had a restful night. Called my cousin Nita and we agreed to meet for dinner about 4 or 5. She said we should take in the Richard Nixon Library and Museum, which was a few blocks from their home. She will meet us there when we are done.
We noticed the old Presidential helicopter had arrived....must have been for an important meeting....I caught Nancy looking in on the meeting...wow, some very important people there!
Here is the silver plate given to Nixon from Mark Hatfield with his nomination speech engraved in it.
We then entered a room full of all the important world leaders Nixon had met with in his career. These figures are made of plaster of paris, real clothes put on them, a hard paint applied which hardened them to look like bronze statues. Each one weighs about 80 lbs.
A real piece of the Berlin Wall.
The real presidential limo...specially built with bullet proof glass, steel inside the tires so if someone would shoot the tires, they could still travel at 50mph. Cost of the car...$500,000. At that time the most expensive car Ford had ever made.
We ventured down this impressive hall to...
A complete replica of the East Room of the Capitol Bldg.
Pictures on the wall of.........George
Martha (right?)
and guess who.....can you..............................Garfield
Nancy really wanted to fly back to the motel...no wait, we have to see my cousin
Last stop, Nixons boyhood home...the original location...the home is 100 years old
This Pepper Tree was planted by the house 100 yrs ago
The Nixon's, Richard and Pat are buried near the house, the land donated to the Friends Church so that they could legally be buried there
We met Nita and her husand, Bill and enjoyed a delicious meal at a local Steak House
Nita is my fathers sister, Juanita's daughter. We do not get to see much of each other, so we spent the whole evening talking about our families.
We bid them ado and headed back to our motel to prepare for our next adventure.
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